Wear A Christmas Hat Day 2022 for Brain Tumour Research

‘Tis the season to help find a cure!

Businesses can now register for Brain Tumour Research’s ‘Wear A Christmas Hat Day’. Businesses are encouraged to help raise awareness and raise funds by wearing a festive hat on Friday 16th December.

Participating teams could ask for a donation to wear their festive hat for the day, hold a hat competition or host a raffle or auction with prizes donated by local businesses. Other ideas include helping at a staff Christmas Party by putting together a sparkly selfie booth with Christmas hat props and asking partygoers to share their photos on social media using #WearAChristmasHatDay – spare cash on the night could also be collected as donations.

If you would like further information, please contact Deb at Deborah.gascoyne@braintumourresearch.org or by calling 07983 946354
