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Four Services
Delivered By Quest
Did you know?
As a Member you have free access to four essential services delivered by Quest. Click on the icons below to find out more about each of the services.
These services can be accessed with one phone number for HR, Health & Safety, Legal, Tax and VAT advice – 01455 852 037, and one website for access to over 750 free downloadable template documents.
When calling you will be asked to provide your name and company name. Provided by Quest your business benefits from comprehensive legal expenses insurance policy with a total of £1,000,000 excess free cover and £100,000 per claim.
These services can help you resolve any issues that you have with HR and employment law, health & safety, legal or tax. However, you don’t have to wait until you have an issue or a serious problem before you call. The advice line will help answer any questions you may have.

Offering advice and support for anything related to HR and employment law, you have access to over 400 downloadable policies, forms, documents, letters, templates and fact sheets. Click this link to access your Chamber site. You will need your personal username and password. If you don’t know it you can call the Chamber or the advice line for assistance.
Whilst the threat of financially crippling employment tribunals has diminished there are still many pitfalls facing employers which can have serious financial consequences. All employers should be aware of these threats and if you need advice on how to avoid the unpalatable results please call the Advice Line available 24/7, 365 days a year to speak to experienced HR advisors on 01455 852 037.
You also receive insurance cover for employment disputes including representations costs and awards.

Chamber Health & Safety gives you access to a dedicated helpline available during office hours. You can also download over 100 documents including an online H&S check from the website. Insurance cover is included to help you defend health & safety prosecutions.
In addition, the Health and Safety part of the package could be useful for any queries from Public Health, or the Health and Safety Executive, particularly around returning to work and ongoing safe methods of working.

Receive advice from experienced legal advisors 24/7, 365 days a year when you call 01455 852 037. The website holds approximately 200 free downloadable legal documents for your business.
Insurance cover for your business includes property disputes, data protection, licence protection, criminal prosecution plus jury service. Insurance cover for employees includes personal injury, motor disputes and wrongful arrest defense. *Please note you must be a Member for 90 days before being able to make a claim.

ChamberTax gives you access to experienced tax and VAT advisors, available during office hours through the advice line by calling 01455 852 037. Insurance cover can help you deal with a full HMRC enquiry, aspect enquiries, PAYE disputes and VAT disputes.
With so much government financial support accepted by businesses, you will want to be safe in knowledge that you have legal and tax support should HMRC investigate claims surrounding the Job Retention Scheme (JRS), Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS) or the Self-Employed Income Support Scheme (SEISS). You can rest assured that with your member-benefit Quest package, you can call on help and advice at any time.
Four Services Member Handbook
Find out more about the Four Services in the Member Handbook here.
But, did you also know that there is more…
With the integrated Employee Management System (EMS) Members can manage employee sickness, holidays, employee records, performance and more. With Admin Lite your Members can automatically populate and build documents (from the document libraries) with the stored employee data in the EMS.
To access the EMS you will need to upgrade to a Bronze, Silver or Gold HR package – all at exclusive rates because of your valued membership. Find out more here.
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Contact our Chamber Membership team to find out how we can help your business.