Anyone with a desire to do so can set out to sell products to the elderly and disabled with no formal training or awareness of the damage that could be caused by prescribing or selling the wrong product. Legislation is a slow moving sledge hammer that is probably too big to be effective, but education is the key to solving this problem.
For TPG DisableAids, they choose to ensure that all members of staff that are likely to be in a prescribing or assessing role are trained to be ‘Trusted Assessors’ by the Disabled Living Foundation. This qualification is gained by attending the DLF courses in levels one to four (depending on requirement) and then sitting the exam which is externally verified. They then follow this up with specific product training from our suppliers which often will go into more detail on skills such as pressure care, seating and positioning, ergonomics and product suitability.
Many members of the buying public see a tremendous difference in the professionalism of those retailers that choose to do things properly. TPG would urge all buyers to seek out members of BHTA (British Healthcare Trades Association ) to ensure that they ensure that they are being responsible with customers health.
As a member to member offer TPG will give three months free insurance on any mobility vehicle sold to a member company or a customer introduced by a member.
For more information please email or call 01432 351666