Every year, Ecrubox Digital choose a charity to support with their fundraising activities and this year, the Down’s Syndrome Association was picked. A charity close to their hearts, the Down’s Syndrome Association work tirelessly to improve the quality of the lives of children and adults with the condition.
Down’s syndrome is a genetic condition that typically causes some level of learning disability and certain physical characteristics. It is usually caused by an extra chromosome in a baby’s cells. In most cases, this isn’t inherited – it’s simply the result of a one-off genetic change. Although there’s no “cure” for Down’s syndrome, there is support available to help people with the condition to lead a healthy and happy life.
Head of Search Marketing, Pawel Lorenc, knows first-hand how Down’s Syndrome can affect everyday life:
‘When our daughter was born, we were completely clueless when it came to what Down’s Syndrome is and how it would affect our marriage and family. We were lucky enough to meet people from the Down’s Syndrome Association at a very early stage. With their specialist advisers, information and support we found help that was so needed. Our daughter is now 20 years old and we still actively support DSA in their mission.’
March 21st marks World Down Syndrome Awareness Day and Ecrubox are getting involved to raise money to support the charity. As well as taking part in #LotsOfSocks day, where they’ll be donning the most weird and wonderful sock combinations, they’ll also be supporting #WorldDownSyndromeDay by cycling the distance from their HQ in Pershore, to the Down’s Syndrome Association offices in Middlesex.
Six employees will be taking shifts throughout the day on a static bike, cycling 111 miles in total to raise money and awareness for the cause.
We invite you to join us between 12-2pm for a coffee and a cake, to show your support and make a donation. You can even egg the team on by throwing some wet sponges, or by jumping on the bike and helping us get some miles on the clock!