“The government this week have set out further restrictions on certain businesses and have reversed its stance on working from home following the COVID-19 alert level being raised to 4 as a result of rising new coronavirus cases.
From Thursday 24 September, pubs, restaurants bars and hospitality settings must close at 10.00pm. These new measures follow a briefing from Professor Chris Whitty and Sir Patrick Vallance at the beginning of the week, demonstrating the rise in Coronavirus cases and what the future could look like of action was not taken.
“These measures introduced this week have so far not been accompanied by any further support package for the hospitality sector that will be most affected by the new restrictions.
“Whether that be further financial support or some sort of adaptation of the furlough scheme, government must provide the hospitality industry with further security now it has chosen to target these businesses in its latest measures to tackle the rising cases of coronavirus.
“The government must be clear on any future restrictions they will be imposing in the future in order to allow businesses a clearer roadmap allowing as much time as possible for local businesses to plan for any further restrictions introduced.
“There should also be clear and transparent trigger points and clarity on the support available to protect jobs and livelihoods. Government must act fast and waste no time setting out comprehensive support packages for businesses forced to closed or operate at reduced capacity through no fault of their own.
“This news will come to the dismay of countless Herefordshire & Worcestershire hospitality businesses who have already experienced months of depleted cash flows and seen staff numbers spiral downwards.”
What are the latest changes in England?
- Pubs, bars and restaurants to close at 22:00 BST
- They will also be restricted to table service only
- People should work from home wherever possible
- Face masks compulsory for bar staff and non-seated customers, shop workers and waiters
- Limit on guests at weddings reduced from 30 to 15
- Plans to allow fans to return to sporting events paused
- “Rule of six” now applies to indoor team sports
- Fines for not wearing masks or following rules increased to £200 for first offence
Now more than ever it is important businesses are aware of the support and guidance available to them including financially. I would urge all businesses to visit our Coronavirus Support Hub for all the latest information and support available to help effected businesses.
- For the latest coronavirus business support, visit our Hub here.
- For weekly updates, support and resources just for businesses, sign up to our Coronavirus Business Support Newsletter here.
- Check how many cases there are in your area here.