School dog the face of Kidderminster school governor campaign

Holy Trinity School and Sixth Form Centre’s school dog Fern is the face behind a campaign to recruit school governors to the Kidderminster school.

Headteacher, Mrs Leek-Wright explained: “School governors play such an important role within the school and we are keen to expand and build on the existing expertise and experience. Using Fern in this campaign is an ideal way to capture attention whilst reinforcing our values, of which Fern is such an integral part.”

Holy Trinity is keen to develop its links with the business community and all successful governor candidates will be provided with full training and development support.

“We are a warm and welcoming school and I encourage anyone with a true passion and interest in education to apply to become a Holy Trinity School Governor and help us to continue the good work being done across our growing school community.”

If you are interested and would like to find out more information please contact 01562 822929 or email