Resilience in 4 Steps

Resilience is a skill that we have had to practice for the past couple of years, and just when you feel like things are getting better, it’s even more important to not let go of the large capacity that you have grown to bounce back from unexpected problems.

Running your own business is hard, it is certainly not the easy option, it can be lonely, isolating, and inconsistent whilst being full of ups and downs. However, with great resilience comes a great opportunity for rejuvenation, which is an incredibly liberating, exciting, and brave mission. True resilience (real resilience, not a good poker face!) is the key to creating consistency and safeguarding yourself from the stress of the rollercoaster that is self-employment. Your ability to bounce back quickly from any setbacks will be a key to not only your business success but your own enjoyment of the process.

Your business is personal, no matter how much you try and detach from the day to day you will feel more hits than you would when working for someone else. Things that wouldn’t feel like a knockback when working in an organisation will feel like a huge setback in your own business, because like it or not, it is personal.

The Four Steps:


Understand your stress reactions, triggers, and build up. Knowing yourself, your reactions, and how you handle those lows will help you self-manage, work through it and rationalise your reactions.


Every time you have a knockback or a low with your business, write down at least 1 lesson you have learned. After all, knockback and the downs are just lessons for next time.


Give yourself a break! How do you unwind completely? If you don’t know then find out pretty quick, and make sure that you give yourself some downtime especially when times are low. The instant reaction is to make problems a 24/7 thing, but by stopping, recharging, and coming back with a fresh mind, not only will you feel stronger and more prepared to tackle the problem, but you will actually be able to see the wood through the trees.


Stats, Stats, Stats! Business fluctuates, its normal, but it can feel hugely uncomfortable when you feel out of control. Monitor your business, record, and everything in between. Start to track the highs and the lows of sales, conversions, etc. Which times of the year are best? Which naturally dip? That way, each year you know when to expect the quieter periods. Then, rather than panicking, it is those times that you just ring-fence for holiday! You can create consistency and a baseline for your business to give you that peace of mind and save those dips.

And most of all, accept that as much as many of us have a yearning for stability… business isn’t stable. Business is however exciting, and it’s yours, and that is amazing! It is something many people want to do but don’t have the guts to – so give yourself a pat on the back, appreciate everything that you have achieved, and don’t forget that in order to build the best version of your business, you need to be the best version of you.

You wouldn’t race a sports car on a nearly empty batter and no oil right?

If you want to catch one of the Real World Consultancy Team for a chat they can be found at The Kiln in Worcester or contact them through their website.