Pregnancy Loss And Miscarriage Conference

Digital Event-Pregnancy Loss and Miscarriage Conference: workplace support 
27 April, 09:30-13:00

The effect of pregnancy loss can be devastating and with 1 in 4 pregnancies ending in miscarriage, it is a far more common situation than most may realise.

The Parental Bereavement Leave Regulations 2020, which introduced statutory leave and pay in the UK, and the Bereavement Leave for Miscarriages legislation in New Zealand have helped shine a spotlight on this important topic.

Join Acas and guest speakers as we discuss the impact of pregnancy loss, the need for better understanding, and how businesses can introduce policies and procedures to create a supportive environment for individuals.

Speaking at this event will be:

This event will include a panel discussion from all speakers where we will discuss key points and questions raised during the event.

To Book: Please email: or call 0300 123 1150.