Selcraft UK delivered a special commission of ranger cap badges to the Forgotten Parks Foundation, along with a huge amount of pride for the Rangers wearing them.
The Forgotten Parks Foundation (FPF) in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) have recently invested in their ranger force and commissioned Malvern-based Selcraft UK to undertake a specially designed and produced ranger cap badge. The local company were keen to ensure that the Rangers were not only professionally turned out with the specially commissioned badge but also delighted to add the finishing touch to the Rangers’ uniform.
Decades of poaching and conflict across Democratic Republic of Congo have led to the total decimation of the country’s Northern white rhino. Today, only two northern white rhinos remain on the planet, so having the rhino as the official logo of the FPF acts as a daily visual reminder of the end goal: the safe return of the rhinoceros to DRC.
Overseeing the reintroduction of the rhino to Upemba & Kundelungu National Parks is the FPF’s ultimate goal. Jim Muir, from the FPF said:
“I’m delighted to say that the first squad of Rangers undergoing training completed their induction course towards the end of last year (December). The ceremony was held between downpours but that is standard in the DRC at this time of year. Everything went according to plan and the badges and berets were issued to the Park Rangers who were absolutely thrilled.”
Robert Muir, Chief Warden and joint founder of FPF agreed:
“For years, our rangers have worked hard to ensure the protection of these National Parks and the remaining wildlife, often making do with old and tattered uniforms. These rhino badges are also a way of letting them know — as well as the wider world — that their work at Upemba & Kundelungu will go forgotten and unnoticed no longer. Selcraft UK have done a stellar job in helping us in that endeavour.”
Director, Carl Huxley, said: “Distilled in the badge design is 47 years’ experience in creativity and manufacturing excellence. I’m equally thrilled that the Rangers are wearing the badges with as much pride as we had in creating them.”
Selcraft UK have been designing and producing award-winning insignia for over 45 years with works exported to mainland Europe, Arabia, North America and now Africa.
For more information about the Forgotten Parks Foundation go to and if you’d like to find out more about Selcraft’s bespoke work please call the team on 01886 833444 or visit – local | national |global |since 1973.