Malvern business owner Esther Partridge-Warner of Online Media Works has recently launched a new networking group in the town. Malvern Pearls meets twice a month at the beautiful venue of Elmslie House in Avenue Road.
The objective is for Malvern Pearls to be a place where people can come together, connect, find out about each other and the businesses represented. Each meeting offers a business speaker who shares their knowledge and expertise, as well as a presentation from a local charity.
Esther says that she is keen for the group to bring local businesses and charities together. In the corporate world, larger organisations have their corporate and social responsibility policy and smaller businesses may want to give something back to their community, but aren’t aware of what is needed in the locality. In addition, business owners may not have the time and resources to commit to a large fundraising campaign. Esther was a visitor at the Breast Cancer Haven, Hereford in 2015 and she thought their idea of openly listing what they needed this month (for example a ream of photocopy paper, a bunch of flowers for reception and so on) was a great way for people to offer exactly what the charity needed.
Since Malvern Pearls was launched in May this year, 65 people have attended and the group have heard presentations from St Richard’s Hospice, The Grace Kelly Ladybird Trust and Papyrus UK for prevention of young suicide.
Local business owner Anne Matthew, a civil funeral celebrant and grief recovery specialist said: It is refreshing to be amongst like-minded women with their own businesses, no matter how large or small. Everyone was made to feel very welcome with delicious offering of refreshments too! Malvern Pearls is a must for anyone looking to make new friends and contacts. Definitely, a welcome addition to Malvern’s business groups.
The group is asking for any local charities who would like the opportunity of speaking to contact