Jackson Family Funeral Directors become members of National Association of Funeral Directors

Local Funeral firm Jackson Family Funeral Directors have been accepted as members of The National Association of Funeral Directors or NAFD.

With offices in Worcester, Malvern, Pershore and Upton-Upon-Severn the family-owned firm are growing their business with best practice in mind.


Director, Matt Jackson says: “The funeral profession has very little regulation legally but as part of our commitment to our communities and the families we serve we decided to join associations which have strict codes of practice to abide by. We are delighted to be able to be accepted as members.”


The two major associations for regulating the profession are The National Association of Funeral Directors (NAFD) and The National Society of Allied and Independent Funeral Directors (SAIF).

Jackson Family Funeral Directors are members of both.


Matt continues: “We started our route into professional membership by joining SAIF. This required inspection of our premises, administration and operational systems and policies, showing a high level of services – both to clients and the deceased.”


In order to be accepted by NAFD, Matt and the team also had an inspection by the Independent Funeral Standards Organisation.

“To be members of both national associations demonstrates that we are serious about offering the highest of standards, service and facilities.”


More about Jackson Family Funeral Directors can be found here: https://jacksonfamilyfunerals.com