IT-firm keeps it local when it comes to new website

Worcester-based IT services company, Integratech Limited, recently launched its new website with a much-improved, modern design and easier to understand information.

Integratech, who have been offering business IT solutions for almost 20 years, engaged with Worcester Web Studio in order to design the new site.

Marketing Executive at Integratech, Mike Cooper said: “We spoke to three different local companies, all of whom came back with good ideas, but Worcester Web Studio’s design really stood out- along with the fact they were building it on a platform already familiar to us.”

Along with greatly improving the design and user experience, the website’s written content was also completely refreshed in order to better represent Integratech’s diverse portfolio of solutions.

Mike Cooper continued: “We have wanted to refresh the site for quite some time and seeing the site as it is today, it was well worth the wait.”

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