Herefordshire Food Alliance Achieves Bronze Award from Sustainable Food Places

Over 85 diners enjoyed a 3 course meal at The Bookshop Hereford in the last of three “100% Herefordshire” Autumn Feasts on Tuesday 14 November.

As well as great local food they were treated to a surprise announcement that the County has achieved a Bronze award from Sustainable Food Places – recognising the collaboration and hard work that’s gone into all areas of the food system in Herefordshire, from food banks through community gardens to restaurants and farming.

The dinner included nose-to-tail lamb from Wye Organic who are pasture-fed certified farmers near the River Wye.  Diners heard of the importance of good soil and diverse pasture and enjoyed a foraged salsa verde alongside, with cheesy cauliflower and carbon positive potatoes.

Dessert was a nutty meringue with Kelsmor Dairy ice cream, farmers Mark and Susan were also dining so came armed with reinforcements for the extras! In all, more than 16 local suppliers were involved in the event and the vast majority of all the courses was sourced from within the county, from farms using methods that support Herefordshire countryside and rivers.


To find out more about the award winners, visit The Sustainable Food Places website

For further information, visit the Herefordshire Food Alliance website.