Health and wellbeing to support mental health and ageing workforce

Managing health and wellbeing in the workplace should be a top business priority in order to maintain productivity and reduce the costs associated with absenteeism; on average 5.9 days are lost through absence per employee per year.  However CIPD research show that only half of companies have employee wellbeing as a priority for senior managers.

The top reasons for long term absence are mental health / stress followed by musculoskeletal problems. With an increasingly ageing workforce age related health concerns are set to increase. Providing support for health- based problems through a health cash plan will become increasingly important; coupled with an Employee Assistance Programme for emotional and mental health support.  This will help provide employees of all ages and life stages with the support that they need to have a healthy work / life balance.

For more information on Orchard Healthcare’s Health Cash Plan and EAP visit: