David Tomkins, Data Analyst Level 4 Apprentice.

Promotion to an Apprenticeship!

Recently TDM have promoted one of our existing members of staff onto a Data Analyst Level 4 Apprenticeship programme.

David Tomkins, previously TDM’s Marketing Manager, moved into this role and has exceled beyond belief. TDM believe in having the right person in the right seat within the organisation, even though David was a fantastic Marketing manager, he is now in a role that he is not only thriving in, but a role that the company was in great need for.

This decision was not just about the data, but the comprehensibility and the meaning behind the data itself. Having visualisation on our internal data now prompts conversations, creates comparability and provides a story over time. David now works with tools such as Power BI, creating dashboards and reports from our software systems and data warehouses, aggregating the business intelligence into a common report that TDM can use to its advantage. With David now in place in this role, TDM can make far more strategic business decisions, which get easier and more intelligent, because we can now see the information that influences it!

If you ask us, this is what apprenticeships are for, for the good people in your organisation, get them happy, get them developing, get them contributing, just like David.