Can you hear the faint clatter of teacups across the nation? Water on the boil? That’s because it’s time for the NHS Big Tea 2023!
The NHS Big Tea is a tea-fuelled fundraiser raising money to help the NHS be the best it can be. We’d absolutely love you to be part of our brew crew. We want the whole of Worcestershire to be awash with tea in July. You could host yours on 5th July in celebration of the NHS’s 75th birthday or choose any date that suits you.
Every cuppa you make and every tea bag and donation you squeeze will provide extra support for NHS staff, patients and volunteers in Worcestershire and help our amazing NHS go further.
If you would like to take part please get in touch and we’ll give you all the help and materials you need, so it’s as easy as one, two, tea!
For more information, please visit our website: