Schools in UK to shut from Friday

Schools across the UK will shut except for looking after the children of keyworkers and vulnerable children, it was announced yesterday evening by government.

Children are to stay at home from Friday and this year’s academic exams will not go ahead in England and Wales.

Nurseries, private schools and sixth forms are also advised to follow the advice and close their doors.

Chief medical officer Professor Chris Witty has said that schools are not dangerous for children during the pandemic, but the decision to close them would slow the rise of infections.

For those children who rely on free school meals, the government has said that they will be delivered food or be provided with vouchers.

The government is also advising to not leave young children with older relatives due to the danger that the virus presents to this age group.

This will pile more pressure on businesses who will see more of their staff have to take time off or work from home.

For the latest advice or guidance please visit our Coronavirus information page here.