Millions being invested to support Herefordshire businesses

Over £13million in grant funding has been paid to help support local businesses during the Coronavirus outbreak, and a further £2.7million is currently being processed – with a further 320 payments being made today.

Due to the pandemic, businesses are operating through a period of unprecedented economic uncertainty. The Government recently announced a package of business support, and Herefordshire Council has been working to identify local businesses that will be eligible for grant funding.

There is no need for businesses to contact the Council. They will be in contact with you directly and will work with you throughout this time.

Cllr Ellie Chowns, Cabinet Member for Environment, Economy and Skills, said: “This is a time of unprecedented difficulty for us all, and the pressure on our local businesses as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic is extremely worrying. It is important that everybody is aware of the support that is on hand, and we are pleased to announce that we have paid over £13million in grant funding to local businesses, and we are processing a further £2.7million.

“Please remember that you do not need to contact the council, as our dedicated staff are working hard, including over weekends, contacting businesses directly to make sure that support gets to those who need it as soon as possible.

“I would like to offer a huge thank you to staff, along with our emergency services, key workers, and volunteers, for all the incredible work you do to help protect others.”

For more information about the range of support that is available, please visit the Herefordshire Council website.

For the latest news about how COVID-19 is affecting council services visit

For advice and guidance on the support available to help your business please visit our Coronavirus Information Hub.