Yeleni – Our doors are OPEN!

Yeleni Therapy & Support are thrilled to welcome clients, familiar faces and new, back to the centre for complementary therapies and beauty treatments. Those living with and beyond cancer and the general public have been thrilled to be able to access face-to-face complementary support for physical, mental and emotional health.

Yeleni offers a full range of complementary therapies from acupuncture to yoga. By supporting Yeleni, paying clients are enabling them to offer a FREE personalised programme of complementary therapies, self-help techniques and on-going friendly support to anyone at any age living with any cancer.

Since March, Yeleni have been pleased at the success of their new services: telephone helpline and be-friending service, FREE on-line daily wellbeing experiences and telephone/Skype initial assessments for new clients living with cancer. These services will continue.

They have considered every aspect of the environment and therapy delivery, to ensure the safety of clients and the team. They look forward to welcoming you back.