Words are Free. It’s How You Use Them that can Cost You

It’s estimated that a lack of essential skills such as communication costs the UK economy £22 billion a year.

It’s hardly surprising when you consider that 35% of employers say they have literacy shortages in their organisation. And 33% say they are struggling to find employees with strong communication skills.

To help address these shortages, Ledbury business Every Word offers writing skills training to businesses.

Founder Catherine Every says: “I think for far too many of us, the spelling and grammar basics we were taught at school have faded from our memories. It helps to get a refresher. I’ve trained marketers, subject matter experts, even NHS teams, helping to give them the skills and confidence they need to write more effectively.”

Training in the writing basics can make a big difference to businesses. 59% of people would not use a company that had obvious grammatical or spelling mistakes on its website or marketing material. Stopping making those mistakes could increase sales.

It also makes a big difference to career development. Professionals with fewer grammar errors in their LinkedIn profiles achieve higher positions and are promoted more quickly.

Catherine concludes: “If you or your team struggle to communicate your message for whatever reason, you’re far from alone. And if you’re worried it’s costing you money, let’s have a conversation to see how Every Word can help.”