Worcestershire Breast Unit welcomes metastatic Kate Nurse

The Worcestershire Breast Unit Haven charity, the only breast cancer charity in Worcestershire, has announced that it is funding a newly created nursing role caring specifically for patients in Worcestershire with stage 4 breast cancer.

This nurse is being funded for the first two years by the Worcestershire Breast Unit Haven charity, for work in the NHS.

The charity has been able to fund this role thanks to fundraising by Susie Coleman and Kate Butler from balls and events they arranged and hosted, including a ball held in 2019in memory of Kate Butler who sadly passed away in October2018.   The nurse is being called the Kate Nurse in honour of the inspirational Kate Butler.

The Worcestershire Breast Unit Haven appointed Emma Simpson as its first Kate Nurse at the Worcestershire Breast Unit in March.

Alexandra Craigie, Worcestershire Breast Unit Haven Charity Director says: “We are so delighted to have been able to fund the new Kate Nurse.  Emma is such a valuable addition to the Worcestershire Breast Unit clinical team.  It was an honour to be able to introduce Emma to Tim Butler, Kate’s husband, June and Gordon, Kate’s parents and Susie Coleman, Kate’s best friend who has so wonderfully raised the money for the first 2 years of the Kate Nurse.”

Emma Simpson, the new Kate Nurse adds: “It is a privilege to have the opportunity to help develop such an essential service for patients living with secondary breast cancer in Worcestershire. This new role will ensure patients have access to the right specialist information, advice and support throughout their journey. I am proud to be working as part of the Breast Care team in partnership with the charity.”

Kate’s parents June and Gordon Wilcox said “It was a delight to meet Emma (Kate nurse) who we know will be a huge asset to the Breast Unit. It gives us so much comfort knowing that Kate’s legacy carries on.  Our beautiful daughter was an inspirational young woman who did all she could for the Unit and had been fundraising for it from its conception.”

And Susie Coleman, Kate’s best friend who jointly raised the money to fund the role adds:  “It makes me feel incredibly proud and emotional, knowing that the money that Kate and I raised in our fundraising efforts, is now helping to fund Emma in her new role as the Kate Nurse.”

The Worcestershire Breast Unit Haven has set up a Justgivingpage for donations to help funding of future Kate Nurses, who will be dedicated to the care and support of patients with stage 4 breast cancer in Worcestershire, as well as funding similar projects.  To donate click here.  https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/wbuhkatenurse

For further information on Worcestershire Breast Unit Haven and their funding and support for patients with breast cancer in Worcestershire, please visit www.worcsbreastunithaven.com