Weʼre raising £3,000 to Worcester Rainbow Project Fundraising

Lockdown has been tough for all kids, but especially hard for kids who need that extra help and support. The Worcester Rainbow Project is a local grassroots group raising money to help families with disabled children and young adults in Worcestershire.

Just some of the fantastic items funded by the project throughout ‘Lockdown’

-A night time Oxygen Monitor for a little girl

-A modified bath seat, a switch communication aid, and a switch operated toy for a 1 year old boy

-a donation towards a little boy’s power operated wheelchair

-A new, adaptable wheelchair for a 3 year old girl

-Two ‘Big Mack’ communication buttons for a 2 year old girl

These items have made a huge impact on the lives of children living with disabilities in Worcestershire.

For the next 30 days, Jacob and Barney have pledged to complete 30 minutes of litter picking every day (rain or sunshine!) to help raise funds to help other children needing that extra help.

Please do consider donating, as every little helps.

Crowdfunding to Worcester Rainbow Project Fundraising on JustGiving