Westons Cider show support for local wildlife

This winter, Westons staff joined volunteers and staff from Herefordshire Wildlife Trust at work on one of their nature reserves. Westons Cider have also pledged to continue to support the work of the local wildlife charity by becoming Premium Corporate Members.

In early December, Kelly Field, Lara Squire and Gemma Evans joined one of Herefordshire Wildlife Trust’s regular work parties at Upper Swingley Nature Reserve in the north-east of the county. The group were coppicing an area of the small reserve, taking out small trees, to allow more sunlight through in the spring, which will help some of the woodland’s rare wildflowers to flourish.

Gemma Evans said: “A huge thank you for letting Kelly, Lara and I join your volunteering group earlier this month. We all had a brilliant time and really appreciated some time outside, away from computers and learning more about some of the work you do.”

Reserve Officer Lewis Goldwater, who led the task, commented: “It was fantastic to be joined by such enthusiastic helpers for the day. It’s really good to be able to show people first hand the work we do to manage habitats such as this little woodland for the wildlife here.”

A strip of wood covering only two acres, Upper Swingley Wood is nonetheless important for wildlife, providing a ‘stepping stone’ for wildlife across the arable landscape. Managed with coppicing since at least the nineteenth century, the wood once produced ash poles for nearby hop yards but today is managed purely for wildlife. Wildflowers including meadow saffron, twayblade and early purple orchids, and bluebells can be found here in the spring.

Herefordshire Wildlife Trust relies on the support of individual and corporate members and donors for its income. It manages 54 other nature reserves around the county as well as running projects in other areas restoring wildlife habitats in both urban and rural areas.

Herefordshire Wildlife Trust’s Chief Executive said: “The support we have had from Westons has been fantastic. It’s been great that we can also involve their staff in our work and show them how their membership translates into practical action to help our county’s wildlife.”