What is the Visitor Economy Recovery Grant?
Worcestershire Business Central are now open to applications for the Visitor Economy Recovery Grants which are designed to support SME’s in the Visitor Economy (see criteria in guidance), to restart and recover in response to the impacts of Covid-19.
The Recovery Grants are designed to assist businesses in the visitor economy who have 1-50 employees with grants between £1,000 – £3,000 available to cover 100% of the costs for projects up to £3,000. These grants are to help businesses located in Worcestershire to build resilience within their business or to capitalise on new opportunities and ongoing support to innovate, scale and stimulate growth.
Examples of eligible costs include:
The grant is focused on revenue based activities for business development with a focus on 1-2-1 specialist advice which SMEs could call on to address their immediate needs in response to the impact of COVID 19 e.g. HR, marketing, accountants, legal, financial, H&S, IT / digital or sector specialists etc and / or purchase of minor equipment to adapt or adopt new technology in order to continue to deliver business activity or diversify in response to COVID 19.
The deadline for applications is Friday 18th September.
If you want to review the guidance or put forward an expression of interest, please register here.
Only once you have completed an EOI will you receive the main form – the form must be completed by Friday and it’s a first come first served process. I am sure you will be aware this is highly competitive and I urge you to act quickly.
If you have any questions on the grant process, please contact Worcestershire Business Central directly at: 01905 677 888.