The Worcestershire Innovation Network (WINN) has a series of new platforms which have been designed to help businesses grow.

The WINN Innovation Platform has now launched allowing businesses to ask questions to specialist advisors, create and manage their own ideas and challenges and browse a library of online support content. The Platform will continue to develop over the coming months and now is an exciting time to join the WINN Community. To register for the platform please visit the website here.

Alongside this, WINN are also promoting their Launch Pad. Learn more from cutting-edge innovators and subject specialists about how ideas can work in your business. For more information or to reserve your place please visit the WINN Launch Pad website here.

Businesses in the county also have the chance to apply for the Worcestershire ‘Proof of Concept’ (POC). This is an ERDF grant fund that has been designed to support local businesses to develop innovative new products and processes. Support is offered to applicants that aim to investigate, advance, protect and commercialise early stage innovative business ideas. The principal objective of the Proof of Concept fund is to encourage SME investment in innovation, specifically; creating products and services that are new to the company or new to the market.

Worcestershire Proof of Concept is a popular programme that has been available for several years. The latest round of funding was launched on February 13th 2019. The programme offers grants of up to £30,000, representing 40% of the total project costs. All costs must be external to the company and are claimed retrospectively. Worcestershire County Council delivers the grant fund in partnership with Central Technology Belt.

If you would like more information on the Worcestershire Proof of Concept grant fund please contact Worcestershire Business Central.