Update on Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS)

HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has updated their guidance on the SEISS.

This week HMRC will start contacting self-employed people who are likely to be eligible, through a combination of emails, SMS texts and letters, to tell them what they need to do to get ready to claim. Applications will open in tranches based on the unique taxpayer number (UTR) given to all self-employed taxpayers. The SEISS will now be delivered ahead of the original June schedule, and will aim for all payments, to everyone who applied on time, to be made by 25 May.

SEISS is one of the most generous self-employed support schemes announced by any government in response to coronavirus. HMRC expects to contact around three and a half million self-employed people who may benefit from the grants of up to £7,500. Around 95% of those who earn the majority of their incomes from self-employment will be eligible.

From this week, people will be able to use a new online eligibility checker. If the checker confirms that they are eligible (and they qualify due to being affected by coronavirus and because they intend to continue trading), they will be given a date when they can use the online service to make a claim from 13 May. Those eligible will have the money paid into their bank account by 25 May, or within six working days of completing a claim.

Check if you can claim a grant through the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/claim-a-grant-through-the-coronavirus-covid-19-self-employment-income-support-scheme