The Low Carbon Economy is an opportunity for your Business

Free of charge, one-to-one business support for Worcestershire Businesses.

Sustainability Experts is a programme being delivered by Worcestershire Business Central, in conjunction with Shrewsbury Business Consulting, to enable the Worcestershire business community to benefit from the opportunity of Net Zero Carbon.


Why get involved?

The challenge of Net Zero Carbon is one of the most exciting business opportunities in modern times. Businesses which engage early in this opportunity will gain significant commercial advantage. It is a chance to:

  • Diversify Innovate
  • Cut costs, and carbon
  • Add value to your business
  • Support your customers ambitions for Net Zero Carbon


So, if you’re ambitious and forward thinking, and want your business to be seen as a Leader not a Follower, this free support exists for you.

The programme will enable all County businesses, and their customers, to benefit from this opportunity, and to thrive in the low carbon economy.


What do I get?

Up to 12 hours of one-to-one support from industry specialists, plus group workshops and networking opportunities.

The support is focussed on helping you identify and develop business opportunities in the low carbon economy. That might be diversifying into this market, reducing or repurposing waste, making your processes more efficient, improving the sustainability of your existing products and services, reducing your energy costs, or how to measure, manage and reduce your carbon footprint.

Links to other local schemes.

The programme compliments other County Council initiatives: Business Energy Efficiency Programme and the Low Carbon Opportunities programme.


How to sign-up

Contact [email protected], or telephone Ewan Bent on 07470 358353 for an initial conversation.