Brexit has had far reaching implications on the UK economy, in particular in relation to recruitment and employing European nationals who previously had the right to work in the UK.
Whilst is still possible for European citizens to come and live and work in the UK, the rules are different for individuals depending on their background and whether they have previously spent time in the UK. For employers wishing to retain European workers or to recruit new staff there are different options as detailed below.
European nationals who have previously lived in the UK before 31st December 2020 (the transition period) should have applied for pre-settled or settled status by 30th June 2021. This gives European nationals the right to work in the UK without applying for permission to do so. It is still possible for EU citizens who missed the deadline to apply for pre-settled or settled status providing they were living in the UK before 31st December 2020 and have good reasons for applying late.
For Europeans who have never lived in the UK and wish to come and work here they now have to apply for a visa under the UK Immigration Rules, most commonly as a Skilled Worker. There are other routes available but if an individual is intending to work for a company in the UK for at least 12 months the Skilled Worker route is the most appropriate.
Companies wishing to employ EU nationals who do not have pre-settled or settled status in the UK will need to firstly apply to the Home Office for a Sponsor Licence which will permit them to recruit employees from all over the world, including Europe. Once the licence has been granted and the Home Office has approved the number of Certificates of Sponsorship for each individual worker, the employee can apply for a Skilled Worker visa. As of December 2021 the Home Office were receiving over 400 applications per week for Sponsor Licences on behalf of companies who are looking to increase and expand their workforce beyond the UK. If this is something that you are considering as a company please get in touch and we can assess the merits and eligibility as well as providing you with essential advice and support throughout the process.
Contact details Tel: 0121 231 7145 or 07508602371
Email: [email protected]
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