The academic team behind the new Midlands Centre for Cyber Security in Hereford has organised a week-long online festival covering a wide range of topics on the fringe of cyber and security.
The Cyber Fringe Festival, which is running from Monday 23 until Friday 27 November 2020 features over 100 experts from across the world who will deliver a range of strategic, operational and technical online sessions covering cyber industry, defence and emergency services as well as diversity, government, acceleration and skills. The festival programme is available here:
Herefordshire will be home to the UK’s leading centre of excellence in cyber security – a £9m state-of-the-art hub supporting innovation and industry in the sector when construction completes on site later this year.
The centre is a joint venture between the University of Wolverhampton and Herefordshire Council and part-funded by the Government’s Local Growth Fund, via the Marches Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
Academics from the University’s Wolverhampton Cyber Research Institute, alongside partners, have developed the fringe programme of online sessions in support of the cyber and security industry, drawing on expertise from across the globe to put the new centre on the cyber map.