Sustainability Hub
Welcome to Chamber Sustainability Hub
Introducing our Sustainability Hub!
The Sustainability Hub has been developed to offer businesses across Herefordshire and Worcestershire a digital space to access all information concerning sustainability. You’ll be able to access information around energy grants, funding, energy efficiency tips, cost advice, useful links and much more.
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We’ll also keep you updated on the latest sustainability topics, including how Herefordshire and Worcestershire are contributing to the governments net zero target. You can also view the latest sustainability news from across the two counties, explore our upcoming sustainability events and read the sustainability edition of the Business Direction Magazine. We encourage Members to get in contact with us if they wish to share information or advice via the Sustainability Hub.
Attend our upcoming Sustainability Forum
Read our 2025-2026 Business Manifesto
Sustainability Grants and Resources
Here you’ll find a list of grants and resources available to businesses in Herefordshire and Worcestershire in relation to sustainability.
Marches Energy Grant
The Marches Energy Grant (MEG) offers free advice, energy assessments and grants for energy efficiency and renewable energy measures to SMEs from all sectors in Herefordshire. The funding is also available to support community buildings.
Assessments are for SMEs who wish to use their energy more efficiently, reducing costs and improving environmental credentials. Grants worth up to £20,000 are available for eligible businesses.
EV Infrastructure Grant
The EV infrastructure grant for staff and fleets is for small-to-medium-sized businesses, with no more than 249 employees. Your business must be a UK-registered company, charity or public sector organisation.
The grant covers up to 75% of the cost of installing the infrastructure needed for chargepoints to operate and for future chargepoints to be installed, as well as the cost of any chargepoints installed.
Net Zero Hub
In 2021 The British Chambers of Commerce conducted a national Net Zero survey. In response to their findings, the British Chambers of Commerce have launched a free online hub to help businesses find out how to measure their carbon footprint, set targets and develop an overall Net Zero strategy.
The hub is packed with information on how to apply for grants, where to seek specialist advice and practical tips from firms that have already acted.
NatWest Carbon Planner
Reducing emissions for your business is challenging and with limited resources it can be hard to decide where to focus your efforts.
Carbon Planner is free and can support you to become a more sustainable organisation, and help you to identify potential cost and carbon savings too. Use it to measure your carbon footprint by answering a few questions, get tailored actions and start building a plan to reduce your emissions.
The UK B Corporation Movement
Our most challenging global problems cannot be solved by governments and non-profits alone. By harnessing the power of their business, B Corps commit to positively impact all stakeholders – workers, communities, customers, and our planet.
Businesses that become B Corps have seen great results: committed and motivated employees, increased customer loyalty, higher levels of innovation, and market leadership.
Severn Trent Community Fund
The Severn Trent Community Fund provides £2 million annually to support charities and community projects, focusing on People, Place, and Environment.
Grants range from £2,000 to £200,000, with larger grants requiring match funding and projects to be completed within 12–24 months. An independent customer panel reviews applications, and projects must align with the fund’s well-being themes.
ISO 14001 Environmental Management System
“An ISO 14001 Environmental Management System is a way of managing the aspects of your business which have a significant impact on the environment. Improving your Environmental Management System (EMS) to the level required by ISO 14001, helps to protect it from reputational damage and benefit from cost savings. It can help increase your employee engagement and improve your legal and regulatory compliance.” Get in touch with ISO Quality Services to find out more about the benefits of gaining this ISO 14001 certification.
Chamber Net Zero Strategy
There are many business strategies, theories and models that reference Environmental challenges, Sustainability and Net Zero ambitions. Whether Internationally, Nationally, Locally, at a business level or as an individual, these are common topics of conversation and key drivers for positive change.
Energy Efficiency Tips
Every little helps! Here are our top tips for energy efficiency. Sometimes a series of small changes can have a large impact.
Switch off standby
Turn your appliances off standby mode when you’re not using them.
Turn off lights
Turn your lights off when you’re not using them or when you leave a room.
Set thermostats correctly. Set the office to 19°C and cooling at 24°C or higher.
Ensure employees are aware of the cost of wasted heat and air conditioning costs.
Identify sources of draughts and fit appropriate draught proofing.
Consider LEDs
Are all your lights LEDs and energy efficient? Consider making a switch.
Encourage staff to turn off monitors and computers at the plug when they leave.
Using laptops
Switch from desktop computers to laptops, as laptops use less energy.
Reduce travel
Encourage employees to car share for journeys and use virtual meetings.
Air Conditioning
Ensure air conditioning is turned off in meeting rooms when people leave.
Sustainability Topics
Explore a range of different sustainable topics, gathering top tips and information.
United Nations - Sustainable Development Goals
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for action by all countries – developed and developing – in a global partnership. They recognize that ending poverty and other deprivations must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth – all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests. Find out more.
Low Carbon Heat Sources
The world’s best low-carbon heating solutions explained by Ovo Energy
It might come as a surprise to learn that as much as 15% of the UK’s total carbon emissions come from the energy we use to heat our homes. That’s because – apart from when we’re sweltering in a summer heatwave – most of the energy used by a typical household is for heating.
The good news is that low-carbon heating can make a big dent in that figure. What’s low-carbon heating, you might ask? Here’s your chance to find out about the latest heating technologies to help reduce the impact of your carbon footprint on our planet. Read full article here.
A guide to energy efficiency in the workplace
Did you know that the average small and medium sized enterprise (SME) could reduce energy bills by 18-25% by installing energy efficiency measures and implementing behavioural change?
With energy bills and operating costs on the rise, introducing energy efficiency equipment and workspaces can save your business money on energy bills.
Here, we explore key areas that will benefit from energy efficiency improvements, including heating, lighting and equipment.
Read full article here.
Solar Panels for Business: Benefits and Costs
Solar PV panels enable thousands of households across the UK to generate their own free electricity, lower their energy bills, earn income by selling electricity to the grid, and reduce their impact on the environment, but it’s not just homeowners who can benefit from solar panels.
If you own a business and your premises are suitable (i.e. your roof can accommodate solar panels), installing solar could be a great move for your future. Here we explore the benefits and costs of solar panels for business in the UK.
Read full article here.
How to reduce business waste
Making your office eco-friendlier by recycling your business waste doesn’t just polish your ‘green’ business credentials – it saves you money! This article provides helpful tips on how to reduce business waste.
Read full article here.
Herefordshire Green Network
The Herefordshire Green Network is a not for profit organisation that brings together local groups and individuals who are committed to a thriving Herefordshire and are working together to address the climate & ecological crises.
Energy Systems Catapult
Energy Systems Catapult was set up to accelerate the transformation of the UK’s energy system and ensure UK businesses and consumers capture the opportunities of clean growth on the way to Net Zero.
Sustainability News
University Works with RSPB on New Initiative to Help Birds
The University of Worcester and Worcester and Malvern RSPB Group are working together again on a new project to help improve habitats and increase...
University Week Focuses on Sustainability Activities for All
Almost 80 sustainability-related activities will be taking place on the University of Worcester’s St John’s campus as part of the annual Go Green...
Glued Taking Action Towards Net Zero Goals
Glued taking action towards net zero goals Being a micro business means our direct impact on the environment is low. But we support many businesses...
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