Proposal to Develop Biomethane Gas to Grid Plant Scheme.
Stenergy is pleased to submit their detailed proposal to Worcester County Council, detailing the construction and operation of a Anaerobic Digestion Biomethane Plant that will produce and inject ‘green gas’ (2.8 MWe) into Cadent’s Local Transmission System and by so doing, transform Worcester’s Heat for Homes, Transport and Food Waste Management strategies. This Waste Food Gas to Grid project aligns with the objectives of COP 26.
They have taken a ‘whole systems approach’, where individual components are identified within the schematic below. Stenergy is pleased to recommend this proposal to Worcester County Council and look forward to developing a meaningful partnership and working relationship, by delivering an outstanding and credible ‘holistic green scheme’ for Worcester County Council and the City of Worcester.
The proposal has been supported by a number of businesses including Worcestershire Bosch who say that this will greatly assist Worcester City meeting the UK governments NetZero target.
The project is also set to create a number of jobs within the area.
To read the full report please see here.