An invitation to find out more about the Queen’s Awards and how they can benefit your business.
The Queen’s Awards Committee Members invite you to hear from HM Lord-Lieutenant Edward Harley OBE, Mandy Thorn MBE, Chair Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP), and previous Queen’s Awards winners and entrants, to find out more about the application process. The presenters will share their experiences with you, from their submission to receiving the Award, and the positive impact it has had on their companies.
The Queen’s Awards are the highest awards that businesses can receive. Every year we encourage more of our successful and hardworking businesses in Herefordshire to apply and join this illustrious list.
Previous winners have identified benefits such as:
- Globally recognised award
- Ability to use QAE Royal Emblem
- A real opportunity for local business to stand out
- Winners have reported Award has led to new business
- Positive press and morale boost
We very much hope you will be able to attend or send a representative.
Date: Wednesday 5 May 2021
Time: 5.30 pm
Venue: Virtual meeting via MS Teams (log in details will be sent following booking)
The following link gives a quick summary of each award and the eligibility criteria:
To reserve your place, please click here.