Herefordshire Wildlife Trust


Sponsorship Spotlight – The Gruffalo’s Big Birthday Picnic 🎂

Do you have string, pencil crayons and things lurking in the back of cupboard that you are desperate to get rid of, random stack of paper plates left over from the office party or some packs of paper that the printer hates? Herefordshire Wildlife Trust can give them a new and loving home!

The Gruffalo is turning 25 in August and to celebrate his birthday and the re-opening of our newly renovated Gruffalo Trail at Queenswood Country Park and Arboretum, we are having an activity day to celebrate!

We are hoping to run a wide range of activities for young and old to take part in, facilitated by our Wildplay team. We would like to make the event as open and accessible to all with as many of the activities being free for all to access, therefore, we are on the lookout for event sponsors to donate either resources of funding for the event.

We are looking especially for;
✏ donations of resources such as; paper plates, brown tissue paper, string and any other creative resources to support our Wildplay Team
đź—ş Sponsorship of printing new trail maps, quiz sheets and activity sheets that accompany the trail
đź’š Sponsorship of Wildplay staff time