Brain Tumour Research


I’m looking for fabulous volunteers who would be happy to find shops and businesses that would host our Brain Tumour Research collection tins, and/or copies of our (free) Believe magazine.

What we’d like you to do:
• Contact potential venues by phone and /or email
• Keep us uptodate as to when collection tins need to be collected or replaced
• Deliver tins and collect full tins as and when

What skills would work for this volunteer role:
• Confidence to call companies/ walk in
• Honest and reliable
• Access to a vehicle (not necessary but will allow you to get out further!)
• 18+ or part of an official programme such as Duke of Edinburgh

I’ll make sure anyone volunteering knows exactly what they’re doing, understands what Brain Tumour Research does as a charity, and be on hand for any queries throughout. We’re a fabulous charity to support and with brain tumours killing more children and adults under 40 than any other cancer, yet only 3% of funding from cancer research, we’re in real need of your help.