Discount For Members

Search Engine Optimisation

Start: 20th January 2026
From: 09:00 to 12:30

Non-member price


Member price




The most popular and most powerful form of marketing, and is now easier than ever for businesses of all sizes to use.
Learn how to make the most of SEO to engage with your audience and increase traffic to your website and your business.

Who is this course for?
Business owners, marketing & PR managers (or staff) and anyone who may have an active interest in the marketing and PR of the company. An introductory course that assumes little or no previous knowledge in digital marketing and PR.

Course Overview
This half-day course will be presented as an interactive workshop, encouraging questions, live examples and feedback as you progress through the material. The course starts at 9.00am and finishes at around 12.30pm, with a coffee break at around 11.00am.

It will be broken down into the following sections, to guide you through the process of a digital marketing and PR campaign, from start to finish:

• An overview to SEO
• Competitive analysis
• Your target audience
• Content structure and themes
• Article c

Places Available

Location: Zoom

Start: 20th January 2026
From: 9:00 am to 12:30 pm

Search Engine Optimisation #1


To book multiple delegates, increase the quantity