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Sales Techniques to Close the Deal

Start: 22nd July 2025
From: 09:00 to 16:00

Non-member price


Member price




This one-day workshop will concentrate on sales techniques used to close the deal. Through exercises, discussions, role play and other training activities, we will explore the best ways to: know when to close, deal with objections, and close the deal.

Course content
These are the techniques we will use:

• Know exactly what your customer’s requirements are. This is about your questions and listening; these should tell you exactly what this customer wants and needs from your product/service.
• The customer must understand your offer and the value of your product or service to them. You must be clear about the benefits your products give them.
• The customer must believe and trust you. There must be a high degree of rapport. In addition, they should have faith in your company and believe that you will deliver on your promises. You must have removed any sense of risk.
• You need to have dealt with their concerns, constructively managed their objections, and reassured, removed, or outweighed them.
• Sometimes this will involve negotiation on price or timings and other commercial impacts. This helps you to manage the negotiation in a positive rather than competitive way.
• You should be aware of the ‘buying signals’ and knowing when to move towards the close of the sale.
• The final step is to close the deal. This involves a number of smaller stages but gets to the point where the customer not only says yes but commits to the purchase fully.

Who would benefit from this course?
Any employee who has a role involved in the sales process.

Your Course Tutor:
Jon Williams has been a trainer for more than twenty years. Fully qualified through the CIPD, Jon works in both the public and private sectors delivering a wide variety or management, customer related and personal development training.

Please note, the title for this course was previously called 7 Steps to Closing the Deal.

Places Available

Location: Zoom

Start: 22nd July 2025
From: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm

Sales Techniques to Close the Deal #1


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