PM announces all non-essential shops to open from 15 June

All non-essential retailers will be able to reopen in England from 15 June, Boris Johnson has announced, as part of plans to further ease the lockdown.

However, the move is “contingent on progress in the fight against coronavirus”, and retailers will have to adhere to new guidelines to protect shoppers and workers, the PM added.

Outdoor markets and car showrooms will be able to reopen from 1 June.

It comes as the number of coronavirus deaths in the UK rose by 121 to 36,914.

Mr Johnson said new guidance had been published for the retail sector “detailing the measures they should take to meet the necessary social distancing and hygiene standards”.

“Shops now have the time to implement this guidance before they reopen,” he said.

“This will ensure there can be no doubt about what steps they should take.”

He added: “I want people to be confident that they can shop safely, provided they follow the social distancing rules for all premises.”

Commenting on the development, Business Secretary Alok Sharma said: “Enabling these businesses to open will be a critical step on the road to rebuilding our economy, and will support millions of jobs across the UK.”

The British Retail Consortium said it welcomed the announcement, adding it provided “much-needed clarity on the route ahead”.

A spokesman for the Confederation of British Industry added that the new guidance would help retailers to open “safely and securely”.

However, not all businesses are pleased with the announcement.

The British Association of Independent Retailers said many small shops had been preparing to open from next week, adding: “It is therefore a little disappointing for the smaller retailers not to be able to open until June 15, especially as they can make it safe to do so.”

Commenting on the Prime Minister’s announcement on the phased reopening of the retail sector in England, related workplace guidance and enforcement powers, BCC Director General Adam Marshall said:

“Clarity and guidance on plans for a phased reopening of the retail sector will be welcomed.

“Businesses will be taking a safe, proportionate and risk-based approach to returning to work, in close consultation with their staff. For many this will be an entirely new way of operating as they apply guidance to the practical realities of their business.

“HSE and local authorities should support businesses as they seek to comply with the new rules – and reserve new enforcement powers for the tiny minority of businesses who are wilfully disobeying or ignoring their obligations.”

The government have now updated their workplace guidance to include retailers. You can view it here. 

Credit Sources BBC News & The British Chambers of Commerce