Pimm’s Anyone? Charity Networking Event Friday 2nd September 4-7pm at Kingsway House

There are lots of different ways of raising money for charity: some of them are terrifying (skydive anyone?), some of them are exhausting (marathon anyone?) and  some of them are just silly (fancy sitting in a bath full of baked beans anyone?). At Kingsway House we like to raise money for charity without anyone feeling scared tired or wondering if they are losing their grip on reality.

We raise money for charity by inviting people to pay to join us at relaxed end-of-week, after-work networking events where you can have a few drinks, meet a few people & make a few connections. These events take place in the very convivial atmosphere of Kingsway House where we are fortunate enough to have plenty of space both indoors and outdoors. If the sun is shining we can be on the terrace and if it isn’t we have a spacious lounge and communal area.

Our next charity networking event is in aid of the Grace Kelly Childhood Cancer Trust https://www.gkcct.org/ and will take place on Friday 2nd September from 4 pm until 7 pm. You might want to use it as a stopping off point after work or a launch pad for a night out in Worcester. However it fits into your day, we can guarantee you’ll be glad you dropped in.

In order to manage numbers, get the catering right and have lanyards ready with your name and company name, it is essential to book. It’s very easy to book and pay online: https://www.kingsway-house.co.uk/summer-networking-event So please book on to this event and you’ll be helping an important local charity, enjoying yourself and potentially making useful connections. And you won’t suffer any negative emotions in the process.