Opportunity: National Workplace Chaplains Mini-conference

Run by Workplace Chaplaincy Mission UK, WCM UK, the national professional association for workplace chaplains, the National Workplace Chaplains Mini-conference will take place on Tuesday 11 May 2021 from 7.00 – 8.30pm via Zoom.

There are more than 500 members of the national association from across the UK, most of whom are volunteer chaplains.

Topic: Restarting Chaplaincy.

The timing of the event is as the economy comes out of lockdown, and visits of workplace chaplains can begin to resume. Speakers who are chaplains and lead regional groups or teams similar to Faith at Work in Worcestershire will be asked to share their current plans to resume chaplaincy, the extra training they are giving their chaplains and the challenges they face. Each team is autonomous, and local plans will differ.

The aim of the event is to offer encouragement and ideas to members of WCM UK, providing insights into the perspective of business on the COVID and post COVID experience. The key outcome is to send people away motivated to re-engage imaginatively with businesses and workplaces in their area.

The team are looking for someone who can speak briefly from their perspective as an owner/manager of a business. The sector is not important. They are looking for someone who could discuss, by way of introduction, what the experience of lockdown has been, how that has impacted the business and the people working within it, as well as what their plans are for coming out of lockdown, what challenges they face (not only COVID related but also perhaps about Brexit or other things) and how they are planning to meet those challenges.

The team are particularly interested in how people within the business might be impacted by this over coming months and whether, having a link with a local chaplain might benefit individuals and the business.

Whilst chaplains are motivated to serve as chaplains because of their faith (most members are Christian, of different denominations, but there are a few of other faith traditions) it is not necessary for the speaker to themselves be a person of faith.

If you would like anymore information please contact Dick Johnson dickjohnson@faithatwork.org.uk

Telephone: 01905 621780