ONSIDE Independent Advocacy are offering a Free 6 week Timeout Course

Timeout is an exploration of creative techniques to inspire mindfulness and increase positive mental health. The course is provided by ONSIDE, charity no 1102022.

During a free 6 week course, participants are encouraged to learn and practice simple, accessible creative activities in a non-judgmental environment. Our aim is to develop mindful techniques that can help group members to take time out to ‘be in the moment’, whilst learning something new, working towards a sense of achievement and developing skills that can easily be replicated in their own time.

No creative experience is needed, in fact we actively encourage people without any experience to give it a try. The activities are extremely accessible and easy to learn.

Timeout is a rolling course so participants can start their 6 weekly sessions at any point and meet new people along the way.

Aims of the course are for those attending are to:

  • Find time away from thoughts or daily life
  • Discover creative ways to find some headspace and relax
  • Use mindfulness to improve your wellbeing
  • Learn new skills and techniques that can be tried at home
  • Meet new people and build confidence
  • Learn to enjoy the process as much as the end result
  • Embrace being non-judgemental about themself
  • Explore low level creativity – everyone has it!
  • Feel a sense of achievement

Currently timeout is offered each Wednesday afternoon from 5th April 2023, 2.30pm – 5pm at Mix Café, St Pauls Street, Worcester, WR1. We hope to have more sessions in the future.

Anyone interested in attending should please register via calling ONSIDE on 01905 27525 or emailing accesshub@onside-advocacy.org.uk