New Chief Executive Appointed in Charity’s 25th Anniversary Year

Worcestershire Association of Carers has appointed new Chief Executive Karen Edwards replacing Carole Cumino, who has moved on from the role after 12 years in post.
Karen has extensive experience in the voluntary sector and joins WAC in the same year that the charity is celebrating its 25th anniversary. The charity was founded by a group of carers in 1997 as an organization run by carers for carers, registering as a charity in 1998, and 25 years on it continues to provide a wide range of services to meet carers’ needs.
Karen said: ‘I’m delighted to be joining WAC at what is an important time for the charity and the many people that it helps and supports. The team here are fantastic, and I am very much looking forward to building on the successes already achieved and to continuing Carole’s good work.’

For more information about Worcestershire Association of Carers visit: