MP set to stride out over hills for hospice care

Worcester MP Robin Walker is set to stride out 11 miles across the Malvern Hills to raise money for a county hospice in memory of his father, Peter.
Mr Walker will be joining 140 other walkers who are taking on the St Richard’s Hospice Malvern Hills Walk on Saturday, May 13.
The MP has been a longstanding supporter of St Richard’s, which is based at Wildwood Drive in Worcester.
“Thirteen years ago St Richard’s Hospice provided a safe, calm, supportive place for my family in the precious last days of my father’s life. The hospice team provided him with incredible care and the whole family with valuable support,” said Mr Walker
He added: “Over the last eighteen years as a candidate and MP in Worcester I have visited the hospice on numerous occasions and I have always been impressed by the passion of the team there, the wonderful environment they create in the most difficult circumstances and the care that is taken for all their patients and their families.
“We’ve seen elephants and giraffes parade the streets of Worcester for the hospice and I’ve been able to plant a tree for the late Queen’s Commonwealth canopy there. As St Richard’s prepares to celebrate its 40th year in Worcester I want to do my bit to say thank you and so along with my sister Shara and my wife Charlotte, I will be walking the length of the Malvern hills to raise funds.”
Alison Parkes, Fundraiser at St Richard’s, said: “We’re very grateful to Robin and all the other walkers who are taking on this challenge and raising funds for our care. “This is a great event to take part in, and a fantastic way to enjoy our county’s beautiful, rolling hills.”
There are three walking routes available in the event. Both the two and five-mile walks are circular, starting from 10am at Black Hills Car Park. Admin fee is £10 for adults and £5 for under 16s.
The 11-mile walk will see participants trek the length of the hills from Chase End. Everyone walking the 11-mile route will be transported to the start by coach, leaving from North Quarry Car Park. Registrations start at 7am. Admin fee is £15 for adults and £10 for under 16s.
The hospice asks everyone taking part to raise as much as they can in sponsorship towards the care and support they offer to patients and families. Anyone who raises more than £75 will receive a free St Richard’s Hospice t-shirt to wear on the day.
The Malvern Hills Walk is sponsored by Speller Metcalfe.
To book a place, visit Registrations close on Friday, 12th May at 9am.
To donate to Robin Walker, please visit his JustGiving page

St Richard’s Hospice is an independent charity caring for adults with a serious progressive illness, improving their quality of life from diagnosis, during treatment to their last days and supporting those important to them.
Each year the hospice team supports more than 3,100 patients, family members and bereaved people in Worcestershire.
It costs £9.72m to run the hospice (21/22 audited accounts), which includes patient care and all the necessary support services.
St Richard’s relies on donations and gifts in Wills for the majority of its income with the remainder funded by the NHS.
For more information about St Richard’s Hospice visit