Member collaboration between MBH and ABE

Clive Brooks, Managing Director ABE Ledbury:

“ABE have been working with Megan Baker House for a number of years so it was great to be able to develop, with Lee, the concept of a MBH trailer. This formed part of our refurbishment program and the bodybuilders and curtain makers also stepped up to support the project. I think the graphics are very eye catching and I’ll never forget the day, in 2020, when the trailer was unveiled amongst clients, colleagues and supporters. The trailer has covered some 50,000 kms with the new curtains, to all corners of the country, and must have been seen by thousands of people.”.

“I was thrilled to receive a call from Clive Brook at ABE in Ledbury telling me of their intention to put MBH on the side of their revamped trailer. Since its launch in 2020, we have received many messages from the public telling us they have seen it.  It is a fabulous marketing opportunity for us and spread the word about what we do far and wide.  As a charity, which seems to be Herefordshire’s best kept secret, I have spent many years trying to ensure that it becomes the worst kept secret!

As this is our 20th anniversary year we are very proud of the trailer and the publicity it has brought us.  It is a unique opportunity to show the work we do and those we help and will continue to help for many years to come.  As a self- funding charity, we do not have any statutory support, relying on community events and major grant giving bodies. We need to raise in excess of £350,000 per year to operate our services. Please keep an eye on our website  for forthcoming events, beginning with our ‘20k in May’ month where we ask the public to jump, swim, walk, run skip etc for 20 something, maybe 20 miles and raise some funds for MBH.  For many of our participants, just taking 20 steps is a major achievement and with the strap line ‘Walk a mile in my shoes’ and the outline of one of our children using sticks to help him walk, I hope many will take up the challenge to do something most of us take for granted.

Thank you, Clive and the team at ABE, for your support, it means a great deal to us.“

MBH provides life changing sessions for children and adults with a range of motor disorders. For more information