Matt and George take on the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge in aid of Acorns

In December, Matt and George plan to take part in the annual Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge, with the aim of raising £250,000 for Acorns Children’s Hospice, a local charity very close to their hearts.

The dynamic duo are rowing in memory of a close family friend who sadly passed away in November 2020. Jack Dyer developed a severe form of cerebral palsy from birth, meaning that he required 24/7 care throughout his life. Acorns Children’s Hospice cared for Jack and his family, providing vital respite and allowing them to experience a taste of “normal” life.

Matt commented “Having seen the impact they have on families first-hand, we are determined to help as much as we can. We are prepared to push ourselves to our limits to raise both money and awareness for Acorns; in return, we need the support of local individuals and businesses.”

Matt and George have already had an outpouring of support from local businesses, individuals, friends and family. They have currently raised over £60k but are looking for more sponsors to reach their £250k target!

Participants of the challenge row completely unsupported for the full duration of the distance, meaning George and Matt will be leaving behind all their home comforts and taking with them only the necessities.

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