Headway Worcestershire have a vacancy for a Volunteer Treasurer

Local charity Headway Worcestershire are seeking a new team member – and hope you can help?

Headway Worcestershire support people affected by acquired brain injury across Worcestershire and seek a new Volunteer Treasurer to add to their team.

They say:

What are we looking for?

  • commitment to the aims, principles, and policies of Headway Worcestershire
  • willingness and ability to understand and accept their responsibilities and liabilities as trustees, and to act in the best interests of the organisation
  • ability to think creatively and strategically, exercise good, independent judgement and work effectively as a board member
  • effective communication skills and an ability to understand and question financial records and accounts.

What skills do I need?

Headway Worcestershire are interested in hearing from individuals with a range of skills but would be particularly keen to hear from individuals with skills in any of the following – business accountancy experience;

Financial experience.

  • The ability to analyse and interpret financial information and examine the financial consequences.
  • A willingness to provide financial advice and support to CEO, The Board of Trustees and Finance Officer when required.
  • Good verbal and written communication skills.
  • Strategic vision and a creative thinker.
  • Willingness to be part of a team.

What difference will you make?

Please email Mandie Fitzgerald CEO: mfitzgerald@hwtl.org.uk for additional information or head to the website for more details about the charity: https://headwayworcestershire.org.uk/.