Government relaxes rules to help businesses during the coronavirus pandemic

The government has temporarily relaxed a number of rules to make it easier for businesses to continue working through the disruption caused by coronavirus (COVID-19).

The government has temporarily relaxed the rules in the following areas:

  • Annual leave: Workers will be allowed to carry over leave into the next 2 years.
  • Business rates revaluation postponed: Revaluation of business rates will no longer take place in 2021 to help reduce uncertainty for firms affected by the impacts of coronavirus.
  • Childcare funding: Councils will be able to move around government funding for free childcare entitlements to make sure sufficient childcare places are available for vulnerable children and those of critical workers.
  • Companies House enforcement: Enforcement process has been relaxed, including temporarily pausing the strike off process to prevent companies being dissolved.
  • Competition law: Rules have been relaxed for certain agreements that would normally be considered anti-competitive.
  • Corporate insolvency and governance: New measures have been introduced to relieve the burden on businesses, including:
    1. Temporary easements on filing requirements and Annual General Meetings (AGMs)
    2. A new moratorium to give companies breathing space from their creditors while they seek a rescue
    3. Temporarily removing the threat of personal liability for wrongful trading from directors

To view the government’s website click here.