If you’ve signed up to a net-zero commitment you may be wondering how best to cut carbon.
Construction and building usage account for 40% of the UK’s carbon emissions, so looking at your building’s energy use is a vital first step. Achieving zero carbon is complex as there are so many definitions and greenwashing happening. We believe in rigorously understanding your building’s impacts and opportunities, rather than overly-relying on offsetting with possibly ineffective outcomes, or taking isolated steps that may put your whole building at risk. For example, making your building just more insulated and airtight without considering appropriate ventilation can leave you with overheating or mould issues.
Helping you use your building as efficiently as possible will not only drastically cut carbon immediately, it can save 70-90% on energy bills every year, and create more healthy environments.
For more information:
Email: [email protected]
UK Government SME Climate Hub: www.smeclimatehub.org/sme-climate-commitment
Energy Saving Trust: www.energysavingtrust.org.uk/what-is-net-zero-and-how-can-we-get-there
LETI: www.leti.uk
RIBA 2030 Climate challenge: www.architecture.com/about/policy/climate-action/2030-climate-challenge
The Passivhaus Trust: www.passivhaustrust.org.uk