Funding alert for Worcestershire businesses

The ‘Here2Help Businesses’ scheme is now live. This will provide financial support and consultancy advice to help kickstart the local economy. The opportunities include:

  • Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) can apply for up to £10,000 for a Graduate Development Support Grant to recruit a graduate employee for a one-year period.
  • Sustain and Grow Grants up to £25,000 are also open to applicants.
  • The grant will assist Worcestershire businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic supporting them with projects to help aid recovery and future growth.
  • A limited number of larger grants will also be available for businesses across the county.

These are available to help support projects that directly impact the COVID19 response.

There is also a small capital grant, between £2,000 and £10,000 (50% match funded) for projects aimed at small businesses in the agriculture and horticulture sector, focused on investing in technology.

All the information about these schemes is available here.