Keeping our workplace Covid-19 free one year on.
As children go back to school and we move into the first stage of the easing of lockdown we are seeing Covid infections decrease in most areas of Worcestershire.
Unfortunately, Redditch has the second highest rate on Covid-19 infections across England.
We know a lot more about Covid-19 one year on. We have safety measures in workplaces, we have a vaccine which is being rolled out across swiftly the country and we have Rapid lateral flowtests.
Everyone who has to leave home for work is strongly recommended to take a Rapid lateral flowtest twice a week. This is because 1 in 3 people have Covid but do not show symptoms. These people need to self-isolate. Their health may be unaffected, but they may pass it on someone at work who may become very ill.
Rapid lateral flowtests have been used in the NHS and by teachers to stay safe for a while. You can be confident that Rapid tests work as the latest research shows that only 1 test in a 1,000 is likely to be wrong.
You can find out where you can get tested in the County on the Rapid Testing page of Worcestershire County Council’s website.
Vaccination is the route to a more normal life for us all. When you are called for your vaccine, please book your slot as soon as possible.
Those basic things are still important. Please remember to wash your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds. Always maintain a distance of at least 2 metres from others and wear a facemask where appropriate.
Coronavirus doesn’t take a break, so please don’t drop your guard when you are having lunch. There is no such thing as a workplace bubble, so please keep your distance from others at all times.
Tuesday 23 March marks one year since we went into lockdown. Nationally there will be a National Day of Reflection. This is a time to come together to reflect on our collective loss, support those who’ve been lost a loved one, and hope for a brighter future. You can find out more on the National Day of Reflection website.
If you think that there’s something we could improve in our workplace to keep each other safe please do get in touch with …
Let’s help each other to stay healthy. Thank you for everything you are doing.