drpg film & video team tops list of televisual corporate 50


The UK’s global creative communications agency DRPG has once again been listed in the Televisual Corporate Top 50, and has for the first time, taken the No.1 spot. The group is also listed 5th in the survey’s prestigious peer poll, with film and video industry professionals voting for the most respected, aspirational companies. DRPG attributes the climb in the rankings to the continued development of its creative communications services, expansion into new areas and overall business growth.

Dagmar Mackett, DRPG company director for Film, Video and Motion said: “This is fantastic news. The team has worked incredibly hard to make this happen and provides our clients with an outstanding service for their creative communications needs. To have had the backing of the whole of DRPG has meant that we have been able to continuously tap into a pool of incredible resources, help us expand, explore new technologies and develop new, exciting solutions for our clients.”

The Televisual Top 50 ranking is published in the magazine’s April edition and discusses the trends within the industry whilst reflecting on the state of the industry, topical interest and innovations.

DRPG has seen great success so far this year with the global expansion and recently being ranked in the Sunday Times Top 100 Best Companies (medium to large), taking 29th place.